Monday, January 19, 2015

So Close Yet a Dirty Fight to the End!

Hi all,
I really missed posting regularly on my blog.  Hope everyone is making sustained progress. 2014 presented many obstacles along this journey. Some things that I have never even encountered and others that are REGULAHZZZ... You know those same obstacles that never seem to jut stop trying to impede your progress.  Anyway it was definitely a mixture that I don't miss or desire to get reacquainted with.  

My current situation is to complete the last few classes and apply for 2016 admission.  In my heart of hearts I don't really feel prepared until 2017.  Also I really would rather wait until the 2017 app season to start applying.  At any rate, I will definitely be applying to one or both (lol) for admission.. It feels great to be close to my goal. I'm actually celebrating milestones along the way. I think that this is such a long journey that milestones are an absolute necessity.  In spite of a few set backs I am still trucking along.  My inspiration is truly from God. I feel his calming spirit when things get so heavy until its impossible to continue.  I would never have made it this far without his strength.  

So my plan has changed significantly since the last post about applying.  My plan is to apply to US schools first and let Caribbean Med School be a last option. So there it is. My change of heart is due to the reality of STUDENT LOANS AND FINANCING. I had to rethink it all. This journey is already a strain on my family now. I can't even  imaging a "no student loan option" not possible for us.  I know , I know, so many others are doing it but " IT MUST WORK FOR ME".  

Saturday, January 3, 2015

What a difference a year makes!

Happy New Year everyone. I can't believe it's been a year since my last post. So much has happened in my life.  Major changes for the better. I am also very close to my goal of applying to med school.  I will officially begin the application process in 2015. I'll fill you in in another oost on my progress and the final route I decided to take. Whether US medical school or Caribbean.  Hope everyone is doing great especially my friends in Texas. update me. I miss you all and especially all the encouragement I've received here. You are all inspiration to my journey. .