Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Not sure what is going on but I have been ready to finish the semester and get into real vacation mode..... Why you ask?  Well, I just want to get a good nap.  Nothing fancy just some sleep without all of the associated stress and anxiety of what I need to do next.  Major responsibilities of a household and family in conjunction with school are not easy to contend with unless there is a break in sight.  I decided to make a major change in what I will be doing leading up to med school app season for 2013/2014.   So glad to see the end of the semester near.  I am doing fine, just need to catch up a few assignments.  Next semester I will be busy until the beginning of August.  Wow.... But it is worth it.  I will reveal the rest of my plan for shadowing, direct patient interaction.  Getting prepared to take G-chem, A&P and Micro in the spring.  Why A&P you ask?  Well it is a requirement for my plan for direct patient interaction that starts in the fall.  It can be very daunting to not have any patient interaction until 3rd and 4th year rotations.  That's why I am so excited about my plan.  Stay tuned the reveal is soon to come......

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Good Times: Keeping Your Head Above Water, Making a Wave When You Can!!!

Well the title says it all.  Remember Good Times? That sitcom from the 70's.  It was about a poor black family that faced many adversities while struggling to maintain a normal life in the Ghetto.  The funniest thing is that life is just that way.  While learning to pace myself, and keep from having anxiety   over small things, I have made some correlations to this reality.  While studying and overcoming setbacks, financial, household, parenting, marriage, etc. you will encounter times when you need to really persevere.  I have learned in this race, it is either do or die, pass or fail, flex your muscles or be taken down.  God is really my only provider and strength in this journey.  An he reminds me when I am preparing for an exam or when I am just covering tons of material because maybe I'm behind in my reading (which is most of the time).  The word are simple: CAST ALL OF YOUR CARES UPON ME BECAUSE I CARE FOR YOU....(1st peter; 5:7) And finally my favorite scripture: He makes my feet as hinds feet and sets me on my high places. (psalms 18:33)